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Sweet Briar College - Real Sweet Briar Haunted Place

  • 134 Chapel Rd
  • Sweet Briar, VA
  • 434-381-6100
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Sweet Briar is a women’s liberal arts college founded in 1901 on land bequeathed by Indiana Fletcher Williams in her will. The school was scheduled to cease operations due to financial difficulties after the Summer 2015 session, but following legal action and a change in leadership it was decided that the school would remain open minimally through the end of the 2015-16 academic year. The ghost of Indiana Fletcher, whose will mandated the property be used as a school, is said to still haunt the campus.

A mysterious cloud has appeared in front of mirrors only to quickly vanish. When a person who was trying to find a photograph of Miss Indie finally discovered one in an empty room on campus ghostly laughter was heard echoing through the room. Fletcher’s daughter, Daisy, is also said to haunt the school. When a new gymnasium was erected in her name a framed bronze medallion featuring her bust was found by a housekeeper in a storage room. No one had ever seen the medallion before, nor could anyone figure out where it had come from, but it is now mounted on the entrance hall wall.
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    My daughter is a student here (2021) and her dorm right now is on the third floor, above her is the attic. She has told me stories that she's spent nights in her room hearing a person walking around above her and she's heard possibly that same person talking to and walking a dog. At times it is unsettling but other times it is interesting for her. Clarifying: My daughter has experienced this event and told me this information.

    Posted 9/27/21

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Last edit to this listing: 12/28/2015 (3334 days ago)

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